Richer Wiser Happier
1. In a world where nothing is stable or dependable and almost anything can happen, the first rule of the road is to be honest with ourselves about our limitations and vulnerabilities.
2. There are no prizes for frenetic activity. Rather, investing is mostly a matter of waiting for these rare moments when the odds of making money vastly outweigh the odds of losing it.
3. In markets, as in life, so much hinges on our ability to survive the dips.
4. To achieve resilience, it’s imperative to reduce or eliminate debt, avoid leverage, and beware of excessive expenses, all of which can make us dependent on the kindness of strangers.
5. Instead of fixating on short-term gains or beating benchmarks, we should place greater emphasis on becoming shock resistant, avoiding ruin, and staying in the game.
6. As informed realists, we should be keenly aware of our exposure to risk and should always require a margin of safety.
7. We each need a simple and consistent investment strategy that works well over time—one that we understand and believe in strongly enough that we’ll adhere to it faithfully through good times and bad.
8. It’s not enough to find a smart strategy that stacks the odds in your favor over the long haul. You also need the discipline and tenacity to apply that strategy consistently, especially when it’s most uncomfortable.
9. You don’t need the optimal strategy. You need a sensible strategy that’s good enough to achieve your financial goals.
10. Your strategy should be so simple and logical that you understand it, believe in it to your core, and can stick with it even in difficult times when it no longer seems to work.
11. In a world that’s increasingly geared toward short-termism and instant gratification, a tremendous advantage can be gained by those who move consistently in the opposite direction.
12. Resounding victories tend to be the result of small, incremental advances and improvements sustained over long stretches of time.
13. Nothing matters more than averting obvious errors with the potential for catastrophic consequences.
14. That willingness to welcome the discovery of our own errors is an estimable advantage.
PGIM India Asset Management Private Limited
(CIN - U74900MH2008FTC187029)
Toll Free Number: 1800 266 7446
This is an Investor Education and Awareness Initiative by PGIM India Mutual Fund.
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All the Mutual Fund investors have to go through a one-time KYC (Know Your Customers) process. Investor should deal only with the Registered Mutual Funds (RMF). For more info on KYC, RMF and procedure to lodge/redress any complaints, visit
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