Insights on personal finance, made easy
Dancing with my grand-daughter at her wedding
"Retirement" - a word we often associate with distant timelines and anxiety. But the truth is, retirement isn’t about numbers on a page, it’s about creating a fulfilling life beyond your working years.
Jan 2025
4min read
Guarding Your Wealth in the Digital Age
The rapid evolution of digital technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, from communication and business to healthcare and entertainment. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have revolutionised data analysis, automation and decision-making.
Dec 2024
4min read
Add health to your wealth
Life is unpredictable because it is influenced by countless unpredictable factors such as accidents, illnesses, economic changes, natural disasters or personal circumstances. The complexity of the world and the limits of human foresight means that not everything can be controlled or planned for.
Nov 2024
4min read
SWP vs IDCW Payout – Which option is more tax-efficient?
Earning a passive income is everyone’s dream. It gives you a financial back up and helps achieve your life goals faster.
Oct 2024
3min read
Waiting for the right time to invest?
Maximum Drawdown is a measure of the biggest drop in the value of an investment from its peak to its lowest point over a certain period of time. It shows the largest loss you could have faced if you bought at the highest point and sold at the lowest.
Sep 2024
5min read
The Gravity of Equity Markets: Rationality, Boom, and Defiance
In a booming economy, optimism can soar, driving investor sentiment to euphoric heights. This exuberance can result in equity prices rising far beyond their fundamental values.
Aug 2024
4min read
Be a global citizen and a global investor
The Union Budget 2024 has rationalised the tax structure of different asset classes, including International Fund of Funds (FoFs). Previously, International FoFs were taxed as debt funds at the marginal rate, but they will now attract a long-term capital gains tax of 12.5% if sold after 24 months.
Jul 2024
3min read
Financial Airbags
Investing in equity mutual funds can be a great way to beat inflation and grow your money over time. However, equity markets have historically gone through cycles of great positive runs and also some sharp corrections.
Jun 2024
3min read
Understanding Real Rate of Return and Its Impact
Mehengai or Inflation has a profound impact on all stakeholders - companies, investors and the economy at large. Governments, economists, bankers keep a close eye on how inflation is managed by central banks.
May 2024
4min read
Overconfidence - The Most Dangerous of All Biases
It is the bias, he says, he would like to eliminate the most if he had a magic wand. But it is built so deeply into the structure of the mind that you couldn’t change it without changing many other things
Apr 2024
3min read
How Sequence of Return Risk can impact Retirees portfolio
Our life is mired by risks, and we have learnt the art of managing risks and getting better in everything that we do.
Mar 2024
3min read
An Unconventional Strategy For Retirement In Today’s Time
Out of many interesting observations from the PGIM India Mutual Fund’s Retirement Readiness Survey 2023, two observation significantly struck my attention.
Feb 2024
3min read
How to sustain your retirement corpus longer with a gig income
In an era defined by hustle & bustle, the pursuit of a peaceful retirement is one of the most important goals.
Jan 2024
4min read
Can you predict the top performing asset class of 2024?
The year 2023 was momentous for the mutual fund industry as it crossed 50 lakh crore assets under management mark in December 2023, which is a proud moment for all the industry stakeholders.
Dec 2023
4min read
Blue Zones & Peaceful Retirement
Blue Zones are geographical areas where people live remarkably long and healthy lives. These regions, include Okinawa-Japan, Sardinia-Italy, Nicoya Peninsula-Costa Rica, Icaria-Greece, and Loma Linda-California, USA, have an average lifespan exceeding 90 years.
Nov 2023
4min read
Law of Inertia
As we all know, Sir Isaac Newton gave us the famous three laws of motion, among which the first law in a simplified manner, states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and vice versa.
Oct 2023
3min read
Personal benchmarking to reach desired goals
So far, the current fiscal has seen a lot of interesting trends in India. In contrast to the rest of the world, the Indian market has been a beneficiary of liquidity, both from domestic and foreign investors, between April to September 2023
Sep 2023
3min read
When in Doubt, Diversify
Ever since the popular research paper on asset allocation was published in 1986 (titled Determinants of Portfolio Performance, by Brinson, Hood and Beebower) the topic has led to intense debate, especially in the investment industry. The paper concluded that asset allocation explained 93.6% of the variation in a portfolio’s return.
Aug 2023
3min read
Financial Chakravyuhas and the importance of exit strategies
In this letter, I want to touch upon the topic of exit strategies and the timely rebalancing of the portfolio as one approaches the financial goal. This can be done through a thought-through glide path asset allocation, investing in something like a target date fund or Balanced Advantage Fund in India to mitigate behavioral errors of staying invested in an expensive market.
Jul 2023
3min read
All-Time Highs and Psychological barriers
The headline indices like the Nifty 50 and Sensex have hit fresh all-time highs (ATH), and that is the talk of the town. We have always advised our investors to just look at these as an indicator of broad trends, not fixate on these numbers and certainly ignore all the associated noise around these events.
Jun 2023
4min read
Is my Active equity fund really active?
In this letter, let me talk about a simple but useful metric for equity-oriented funds, which most active portfolio managers track. It is known as the Active Share.
May 2023
3min read
Thumb Rules that help you make asset allocation decisions simple
Till the recent past, all of us had a family doctor who had this amazing ability to predict how long a fever would last, that too without conducting any medical test.
Apr 2023
4min read
Reduce retirement corpus anxiety
Most of us have a number of financial goals. If you ask someone what their goals are, the typical answers you get would be like buying a home, buying a car, children’s education, or going on a holiday.
Mar 2023
4min read
A Win-Win Solution
"That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than Complex" – Steve Jobs
Feb 2023
3min read
Reversion to the Mean - A powerful concept for ordinary investors
Reversion to the mean is the idea that over time, extreme events or outliers tend to move towards the average.
Jan 2023
4min read
PGIM India Asset Management Private Limited
(CIN - U74900MH2008FTC187029)
Toll Free Number: 1800 266 7446
This is an Investor Education and Awareness Initiative by PGIM India Mutual Fund.
All the Mutual Fund investors have to go through a one-time KYC (Know Your Customers) process. Investor should deal only with the Registered Mutual Funds (RMF). For more info on KYC, RMF and procedure to lodge/redress any complaints, visit
All the Mutual Fund investors have to go through a one-time KYC (Know Your Customers) process. Investor should deal only with the Registered Mutual Funds (RMF). For more info on KYC, RMF and procedure to lodge/redress any complaints, visit
The information contained herein is provided by PGIM India Asset Management Private Limited (the AMC)
on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other third-party
sources believed to be reliable. However, the AMC cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information,
assure its completeness, or warrant such information will not be changed. The information contained
herein is current as of the date of issuance* (or such earlier date as referenced herein) and is
subject to change without notice. The AMC has no obligation to update any or all of such
information; nor does the AMC make any express or implied warranties or representations
as to its completeness or accuracy. There can be no assurance that any forecast made
herein will be actually realized. These materials do not take into account individual
investor's objectives, needs or circumstances or the suitability of any securities,
financial instruments or investment strategies described herein for particular investor. Hence,
each investor is advised to consult his or her own professional investment / tax advisor / consultant for advice in this regard.
The information contained herein is provided on the basis of and subject to the explanations, caveats and warnings set out elsewhere herein.
The views of the Fund Manager should not be construed as an advice and investors must make their own investment decisions regarding investment/ disinvestment in securities market and/or suitability of
the fund based on their specific investment objectives and financial positions and using such independent advisors as they believe necessary.