Everything You Need to Know About Transferring Mutual Fund Units
- Transmission of units to the registered nominee in case of death of sole or all unitholders:
- Letter from the claiming nominees to the AMC requesting transmission of units
- Original or photocopy of the death certificate, duly notarised or attested by a gazetted officer or bank manager
- Bank account details of the claiming nominee or account holder, attested by a bank branch manager OR a cancelled cheque/ bank statement/ passbook with the account holder’s name and details
- KYC details of the claimant
- Transmission of units to surviving unitholders in case of death of the 1st holder:
- Transmission Request Form (Form T2) for transmission of units to all surviving unitholders
- Original or photocopy of death certificate of the deceased unitholders, duly notarised or attested by a gazetted officer or bank manager
- Copy of PAN card of the surviving joint holder
- Cancelled cheque of the 1st holder with the name of the claimant OR a bank statement/ passbook of the 1st holder (not more than 3 months old)
- KYC form of the surviving holders
- Transmission of units to surviving unitholders in case of death of the 2nd/ 3rd holder:
- Transmission Request Form (Form T1) requesting deletion of name of deceased 2nd or 3rd holder
- Original or photocopy of death certificate of the deceased unitholders, duly notarised or attested by a gazetted officer or bank manager
- Fresh bank mandate form, along with cancelled cheque of new bank account (in case there is a change in the bank mandate)
- Fresh nomination form in case of no existing nomination or change in existing nomination
- KYC form of the surviving holders
- Transmission to claimant in case the nominee hasn’t been registered:
- Transmission Request Form (Form T3) for transmission of units to the claimant
- Original or photocopy of death certificate of the deceased unitholders, duly notarised or attested by a gazetted officer or bank manager
- Copy of birth certificate in case the claimant is a minor
- Copy of PAN card of the claimant or guardian if the claimant is a minor
- Cancelled cheque with the name of the claimant OR the bank statement/ passbook of the claimant (not more than 3 months old)
Additional documentation required:
- For transmission up to Rs. 2 lakh:
- Signature of claimant with bank attestation by the branch manager, or signature of the guardian in case the claimant is a minor
- Relevant documents proving the claimant’s relationship with the deceased
- Bond of Indemnity to be furnished by legal heirs for transmission of units without production of legal representation
- Individual affidavits by each legal heir
- NOC from other legal heirs
- For transmission more than Rs. 2 lakh
- The claimant’s signature attested by a notary public or a Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC), or the signature of the guardian in case the claimant is a minor
- Individual affidavits to each legal heir
- Any of the following documents – notarised copy of the probated will; succession certificate issued by a court; or a letter of administration or court decree, in case of intestate succession.
Assigning a nominee is essential for smart financial planning. It’s equally important to ensure your nominee or legal heirs are the same page about your investments, and there is a clear plan for your investments in the event of your demise. This will ensure that your hard-earned money is not squandered and you leave behind a strong financial legacy for your loved ones.
Disclaimer: Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme-related documents carefully
All the Mutual Fund investors have to go through a one-time KYC (Know Your Customers) process. Investor should deal only with the Registered Mutual Funds (RMF). For more info on KYC, RMF and procedure to lodge/redress any complaints, visit https://www.pgimindiamf.com/ieid.